summary: Chapter 9 of the “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga is titled “False Hope.” In this chapter, the main character, Yuji Itadori, fights against a cursed spirit named Sukuna’s Finger. Despite being warned by his mentor, Satoru Gojo, not to remove the seal on the cursed object, Yuji does so in order to gain the power to defeat the cursed spirit.
However, upon using the power of the cursed object, Yuji loses control and transforms into Sukuna, the cursed spirit possessing the finger. Satoru and his colleagues are forced to subdue Yuji in order to prevent him from causing harm.
The chapter ends with Yuji imprisoned and awaiting execution, as he is considered too dangerous to be allowed to live. However, Satoru Gojo secretly plans to use Yuji’s unique abilities to his advantage in the fight against cursed spirits.