In an unexpected turn of events, Aoi takes a liking to Yuji. Convinced that they are best friends, Aoi even lays out his own team’s plan to kill Yuji. Meanwhile, Megumi and the others start going after their Kyoto rivals to protect Yuji as well.
Confused, Yuji asks Aoi why the latter is asking about his type at a time like this. Aoi responds by telling Yuji to stop getting upset because she’s just trying to make sense of her opponent. Despite his confusion, Yuji replies that he likes tall girls with big asses, just like Aoi. This sparks a memory in Aoi’s mind of a time that never actually happened.
Aoi recalls that he and Yuji talked during high school about his crush on Takada-chan. However, Aoi is turned down, but Yuji is there to cheer him up by offering to buy ramen. This memory brings tears to Aoi’s eyes as she reveals that he and Yuji are now best friends.
Momo watches them both from above and confirms Yuji’s position. Her classmates surround Yuji and try to knock him down with their jujutsu. It doesn’t take long for Yuji to realize that she is trying to kill him. Aoi uses her cursed technique to switch everyone’s positions and immediately attacks Noritoshi. He forces his classmates to retreat and demands that Yuji fight him one-on-one.
Megumi uses Nue to frame Momo and knock her out of the sky. Maki and Megumi ambush Noritoshi’s team while they retreat. Maki faces Kasumi while Megumi faces Noritoshi. Megumi decides to ask Noritoshi directly if the Kyoto students are trying to assassinate Yuji.