Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 177

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 177



jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 177


Not only does Yuta have to contend with Takako Uro, but now Ryu Ishigori is also imposing his will. Ryu had no regrets in his first life, but he was never able to fully satisfy the insatiable hunger that lingers with him to this day. With an extraordinary fighter in front of him, Ryu wants to find out if Yuta can be the dessert he’s been craving.


In response to Yuto’s comment about melee combat getting closer, Ryu asks if someone should tell the kid before the feast to calm down and eat slowly. Yuta suggests that someone do it, and Ryu actually agrees, admitting that it was a bad example.
Ryu lights a cigarette and says that in his first life, when he fought worthy opponents and met a good woman, he had no major regrets. Even so, Ryu still suffers from an indeterminate thirst and no one understands him because he is still unsatisfied. He says that cigarettes have a sweet taste, but his life has never had such a dessert. Yuta calmly listens to Ryu’s words until he mentions dessert, then he can tell that his opponent is about to attack.
Ryu attacks and Yuta counters with punches of his own, giving them both a chance to feel each other out. Yuta notes that Ryu has an explosive output of cursed energy combined with precise and fast movements. Even with Yuto’s advanced toughness, a direct hit from Ryu would do a lot of damage. After exchanging a few blows and parrying each other, both fighters turn and attack. However, Ryu crashes his back into Yuto and expels the cursed energy, sending Yuto flying.
Most people don’t understand why Ryu is unhappy, but they believe Yuta knows why. The reason for this is simply that Ryu hasn’t eaten his fill yet and needs dessert to satisfy his insatiable hunger. Yuta crashes through the top of the building but manages to regain his balance. Ryu quickly follows up with his Granite Blast attack, but Yuta is able to parry it with his bare hands. Yuta then quickly closes the distance and tries to crush his opponent with a powerful right hook. However, Ryu counters with another beam of cursed energy that Yuta is unable to fully overpower. Ryu asks if Yuta is his dessert and deflects his attack.-
Uro takes advantage of Yuta’s unfavorable position in the air and targets him with his cursed technique. He does not hit a person with his technique, but instead hits the surface of the sky. Uro breaks through the surface like thin ice and hits his opponent with a shattering impact. An advanced application of this technique is perfected in Ur’s extension technique, Thin Ice Breaker, which he uses to send Yuta falling into a building.
Irritated by the interference, Ryu fires a wave of cursed energy at Uru, telling her that she’s in the way. Uro tells Ryu to shut up and uses her technique to reflect a cursed energy beam directly at him. Ryu is knocked back by his own attack for the first time in his life and admits that it packs a punch. An injured Yuta manages to return to the battlefield, much to the amusement of Uro, who claims to play with him. Ryu notices that Yuta is constantly using the Reverse Cursed Technique to heal himself and use up all of his almost bottomless Cursed Energy. He compares Yuta to a pastry shop and believes it’s always a disappointment when a shop closes, no matter how luxurious or delicious the pastries are. Disappointed by his opponent’s retreating power, Ryu assumes that Yuta must not be the dessert he craved.
Yuta knows that Ryu doesn’t target civilians, but he wouldn’t care about causing them collateral damage. Ur’s point total suggests he doesn’t target civilians either. Yuta wanted to put more distance between the fight and the stadium where the civilians are just in case, but that probably won’t happen. Instead, Yuta decides to use his full power and puts on the ring. He calls Rika and asks her to give him everything.

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