Watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 10

Watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 10




Junpei Yoshino and Mahito talk about what it means to be indifferent. Afterwards, Junpei is confronted by Yuji Itadori while Kento Nanami enters Mahito’s underground hideout.


Junpei Yoshino led a film club at Satozakura High School with a few like-minded friends. They are interrupted by several bullies who claim to use the room for themselves. They demand that everyone leave, but Junpei wants one of his DVDs first. This infuriates one of the students who decides to start beating up Junpei. The other kids run away in terror, while Shota Ito and the other thugs decide to join in the beating.
In the present, Junpei talks to Mahito about Japanese puns regarding the popular phrase “the opposite of love is indifference”. Mahito shows Junpei several of his experiments. He can change people’s forms using his cursed technique. He decides to show Junpei how big and small he can make human bodies.
To his surprise, Junpei isn’t shocked as he already knows how repulsive human beginnings can be. Mahito explains that humans have souls at their core, not a metaphorical “heart”. He believes that life has no value or meaning because life is just a continuous cycle. Mahito believes that Junpei doesn’t need to suppress his hatred because the two of them can do whatever they want.
After Junpei leaves, Ijichi and Yuji notice him slowly following him. Yuji finds out that his classmates are doing well and is given his assignment. He must use weak cursed spirits known as Fly Heads to test his talent for jujutsu and his possible connection to the incident at the theater. At the same time, Nanami enters Mahito’s underground lair, claiming that she takes no pleasure in killing people if they are mutated and cannot be saved.
Mahito is happy to see a wizard weaker than Satoru Gojo, but strong enough to finish his experiments. Nanami replies that they should get it over with quickly as she doesn’t want to end up working overtime. They engage in battle, causing Nanami to notice Mahita’s resemblance to Satoru Gojo. They share a textbook superficiality and a dark power behind it. Nanami is able to use her technique to break Mahita’s arm, catching the cursed spirit off guard.
Mahito decides to engage in a conversation with Nanami, which makes the wizard realize that he must be connected to the special class that Gojo was fighting against. Mahito asks if the body or the soul came first. Nanami says the former, but Mahito claims it’s the latter. They believe that the soul exists before the body and the body is shaped by it. By changing the shape of his own soul and others, he can change their form using his Innate Technique: Idle Transfiguration.
Meanwhile, Junpei notices Sotomura, one of his teachers outside of school. He makes remarks that irritate Junpei enough to almost lash out. However, Yuji suddenly appears with Fly Ijichi’s head released in an accident. Yuji wants to try to talk to Junpei, but Sotomura keeps interfering. Yuji decides to take off his pants and run off with them, forcing him to leave so the two boys can talk in private.
Nanami and Mahito continue to fight underground. Nanami manages to fend off the shapeshifters Mahito uses for their alternate form. The wizard quickly realizes that this alignment is bad for his technique. Mahito takes out his opponent with a burst of speed and tries to reshape Nanami’s soul. However, Nanami is able to instinctively protect her soul with her cursed energy. He was wounded, but not transformed. Mahito believes that a few more hits will make his opponent no longer human.
Nanami manages to escape through the sewer tunnel to stall until he is able to go into overtime. As the clock approaches six, Nanami’s cursed energy suddenly begins to rise, surprising Mahita.

Juju Stroll

Looking for her missing uniform, Nobara asks Megumi where her jacket is before asking Panda. He denies seeing it while wearing her jacket. After being beaten by Nobara, Toge enters the room wearing a skirt and is shortly beaten by Nobara. When Nobara removes the skirt from Toge’s body, he discovers that the skirt actually belongs to Maki. Elsewhere, Satoru does an impression of Nobara while wearing a skirt, with Yuji laughing in delight.

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