summary: In chapter 8 of the “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga, titled “Boredom,” the story continues with Yuji and his classmates facing off against cursed spirits at their school. After defeating the cursed spirit that was possessing the school’s baseball team, the students are left to deal with the aftermath and clean up the damage.
During their cleanup, Yuji and his classmates encounter a cursed spirit who is able to possess and control insects. The cursed spirit attacks Yuji and his friends with a swarm of bugs, but they are able to fend off the attack and defeat the cursed spirit.
Meanwhile, it is revealed that there is another student at the school who has the ability to see and interact with cursed spirits. This student, named Maki, is revealed to be a member of a special jujutsu sorcerer family and is sent to the school to investigate the recent surge in cursed activity.
The chapter ends with Maki confronting Yuji and his friends, warning them about the dangers of cursed spirits and the importance of being able to protect themselves.