summary: In Jujutsu Kaisen manga chapter 7, titled “The Origin of Obedience – Part 3,” the story continues with Yuji and Megumi on their mission to exorcise a cursed spirit at a high school. The cursed spirit has possessed a student, and they must defeat it before it can harm anyone.
As they search for the cursed spirit, they come across a group of students who are performing a ritual to summon a curse. The curse they summon is a powerful one and begins to wreak havoc on the school.
Yuji and Megumi are able to defeat the cursed spirit possessing the student, but they now face the challenge of stopping the powerful curse that has been summoned. They are aided by another Jujutsu sorcerer, Nobara Kugisaki, who joins them in the fight.
Together, the three Jujutsu sorcerers are able to defeat the curse and save the school. However, they realize that there are many more curses out there, and their work is far from done. The chapter ends with Yuji and Megumi receiving their next mission from their mentor, Satoru Gojo.