summary: In chapter 6 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, titled “Sensei and Student,” Yuji Itadori and his classmates begin their training at Jujutsu High School. They are introduced to their teacher, Satoru Gojo, who is known as one of the strongest sorcerers in the world.
Gojo tests the students by having them fight against him, but he easily defeats them using his powerful abilities. He then explains to them the importance of developing their own techniques and abilities in order to become stronger.
Meanwhile, a cursed spirit named Sukuna begins to stir within Yuji’s body. Sukuna, who was once known as the King of Curses, is a dangerous and powerful spirit who was defeated by Jujutsu sorcerers many years ago. However, Sukuna’s presence within Yuji’s body begins to cause problems, as he is able to take control of Yuji’s body at times.
As the chapter ends, Yuji struggles to control Sukuna’s power and wonders what will happen to him if he loses control completely.