Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 170

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 170



jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 170


Megumi gets Reggie one on one and is able to seriously fight him. However, Reggie pecks at him with varying degrees of small attacks. Megumi is forced to unleash a big move to counter and turn the battle in her favor.


As he runs through the streets to avoid the attack, Reggie comments that he is surprised that his opponent has a shikigami like Megumi’s Max Elephant. Max Elephant tries to spray Reggie with a stream of water, but the opponent manages to avoid it. Megumi jumps off the building above Reggie accompanied by her shikigami Rabbit Escape. Reggie throws the receipt and turns it into a net that traps the rabbits. Megumi narrowly avoids the net and jumps onto a chain connected to two poles to break her fall.
Reggie activates his innately cursed technique, Contractual Re-Creation, and turns several receipts into kitchen knives. The knives fly towards Megumi like projectiles, but he is able to parry them with his own blade. Some rabbits are pierced by knives, allowing Reggie to assume that unlike other shikigami, they can reappear no matter how many are destroyed. Reggie knows that Megumi figured out his cursed technique that has the ability to manifest what is written on the receipts.
Reggie burns the receipt with his technique to recreate the contract and treats himself to a two-night stay at a five-star Japanese inn. He is now as refreshed as if he had been after two nights resting in the hot springs there. In contrast, Megumi is worn down from the ambush on top of having used several shikigami. Megumi always employs multiple shikigami at once, but usually summons Max Elephant alone as he burns cursed energy. Reggie thinks Megumi can’t re-conjure her shikigami after their injuries, and without the flexible Divine Dog: Totality, her options are limited. Reggie adds that they both lack big finishing moves and will have to peck over time to win. In Megumi’s condition, it shouldn’t be possible this way. .
Megumi allows Nue to carry him away, stating that she will run away in that case. Reggie quickly summons drones equipped with cameras to track his opponent and tracks him using a cell phone as a receiver. He also summons a moped to chase his opponent and tracks Megumi’s position to the gym. Reggie questions if Megumi really ran away or if she’s trying to lure the fight inside. He could burn down the building, but Reggie doesn’t want another drawn-out chase. Inside the gym, Megumi is happy that the space is as spacious as he had hoped. Reggie appears on the balcony above him and asks what his opponent is up to. Megumi says Reggie is probably up to something too, and the other says it’s hard to tell since wizards are nothing but tricksters.
Suddenly, two trucks break through the wall of the building and head straight for Megumi. The surprised Jujutsu High School student acts quickly and manages to slip safely under the pursuing vehicles. He is upset that Reggie misled him by saying he didn’t have any “big moves”. Two potted plants re-form above Megumi out of his line of sight and fall on his head, shattering him. Reggie continues and cuts Megumi’s back and left arm with a small knife. Megumi is cut several times and tries to retreat, but Reggie throws a daikon carrot at him. An unorthodox projectile, Megumi is thrown off guard when the daikon falls apart and a kitchen knife appears inside. The knife stabs Megumi in the elbow and then Reggie front kicks him in the face.
Megumi is knocked to the floor and slides around the gym, thoroughly overwhelmed. Reggie explains that the things he recreates act like shikigami. Knives and the like cannot normally fly through the air, but Reggie can make them do so with a simple command. Reggie doesn’t find Megumi very cooperative, but asks for her points anyway in exchange for a quick death.
Megumi responds by stating that barrier techniques are difficult for him and he cannot create an artificial environment above the real one of another size. However, Megumi can use the gym as the perfect space for her domain. As planned, Megumi casts an extension of her Chimera Shadow Garden domain and forcibly closes the barrier around the gym to trap Reggie inside. Reggie didn’t think Megumi was a magician capable of using domain extensions and is taken aback. After successfully turning the tables, Megumi claims that he never said he wouldn’t have any big moves.

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