Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 169

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 169



jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 169


Megumi’s battle is interrupted by an eccentric comedian with tons of personality. Fumihiko Takaba takes Megumi’s side and helps him fend off the other Culling Game players.


Fumihiko Takaba decides to help Megumi because the thirty-five-year-old woman can tell if someone is good or bad by their face. He quickly realizes that Megumi has a bad face, but writes it off as all “revisionist”. Megumi tries to correct him with the correct wording and quickly realizes that Takaba is eccentric. Regardless of his personality, Takaba protected Megumi so the Jujutsu High student is willing to trust him.
Reggie and Hazenoki don’t know Takaba, so they try to ask him what era he’s from. Takaba interrupts Hazenoki by assuming the question will be if he’s funny or not. He explains that his costume is based on a funny superhero, and his intimidation factor suddenly flares up as he prepares to tell a joke. Hazenoki and Reggie prepare to attack, but Takaba just tells a joke that elicits a dead silent reaction. Takaba says “Don’t marry me! I don’t want you as my wi-fi!”, which absolutely no one finds funny.
Takaba comments on the rough crowd but continues to promote himself. Even if his detractors are hardened, Takaba will continue to do what he does because he is an entertainer. As he emphatically shouts this statement, Takaba executes a wild flying dropkick that sends Hazenoki crashing into a building. Reggie notes that the shift in Takaba’s cursed energy output is great and quickly realizes that the failed comedian is actually strong. Takaba does a handstand and explains that he’s an old-school artist who advocates violence, buying Megumi enough time to take a stand.
Megumi tries to surprise attack Reggie from her own shadow, but he jumps off the ground in time to avoid it. Megumi tells Takaba that they should split up Hazenoki and Reggie. While trying to explain Hazenoki’s exploding body parts, Megumi has to tell Takaba to stop getting near his face. Megumi uses Kogane to confirm that Hiromi Higuruma was the one who added rule ten to the elimination game. Assured that Yuji has completed their mission, Megumi declares that he is done with this colony and tells Reggie that she will let him go if he backs down. Reggie declines because he needs to catch up on Chizuru Hari’s lost points.
Hazonki recovers from the drop he suffered and calls out to Takaba. The comedian ignores him and Megumi introduces herself accordingly. The Intermediate Jujutsu student requests that Takaba take Hazenoki’s points if possible. Takaba accepts on the condition that he continues to have fun, which Megumi doesn’t mind as long as he wins.
Satisfied, Takaba begins to “sparkle” as Hazenoki sends an explosive projectile at him. Takaba knocks it down with a fan and manages to close the distance before jokingly poking his opponent in the rear. Hazenoki is taken down, but Takaba immediately follows up with a power kick that sends his opponent through another building. Impressed, Megumi expresses that he is glad that Takaba is not his enemy.
Happy to help, Takaba says goodbye to Megumi, telling him to stay alive. Reggie thinks Takaba is toast because Hazenoki is going to go for it after taunting him so much. Megumi tells her opponent to take care of himself. After completing her objective, Megumi can actually fight one-on-one without holding back.

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