Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 179

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 179



jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 179


Sendai Colony’s most elite players are releasing three domain extensions at once! As their three-way battle nears its climax, Ryu and Uro try to get the upper hand on Yuta. However, an unexpected intruder enters the barrier and throws the situation into even greater chaos.


Overlapping domains cancel each other’s surefire function. Without this advantage, Ryu and Uro must stop Yuta from taking the initiative by keeping Riku out of the barrier. Uro thinks about how Rika can break in later, while Ryu focuses on quickly establishing his domain. Ryu had already knocked Riku over twenty meters, so it was unlikely that she would reach the barrier in time. The last remnants of Orimoto’s will inside Rika cannot come to terms with the fact that she cannot protect Yuta, and her power soars.
Suddenly, Kurourushi reappears and penetrates the barrier while his cockroaches occupy Rika. Before going dormant, Kurourushi reproduced through parthenogenesis. After Yuta banished the parents, the cursed energy of fear in the land was transferred to the offspring. The Kuorurushi player has indeed perished, but the cursed spirit of Kurourushi is still fully active. Three overlapping domains are more complex than two, and the conditions within them make things even more complicated. With the addition of an unexpected intruder, the barriers come together and crumble.
Yuta notices that Uro is fully focused on Kurourushi, against whom he is at a disadvantage. Taking the opportunity, Yuta kicks Uro while she is distracted, knocking her towards Kurourushi. The cursed spirit rushes at her with the Festering Life Sword and Uro tries to respond by activating her cursed technique. However, the cursed techniques are difficult to use immediately after using the domain extension. Uro’s ability to manipulate space burns away in her hand, leaving her open to Kurourushi’s attack. A cockroach curse slashes Ur’s left arm, and insect curses emerge from the wound, severing her limb completely. Rika acts quickly by absorbing Uro’s arm, impressing Ryu. He notes that Yuta is thorough and that it is unlikely that Uro would be able to regenerate her entire arm even if he uses the Reverse Cursed Technique.
Angered by the loss of her arm, Uro angrily calls out to the Fujiwara descendant. Ryu tells her to stop because she and Kurourushi are not invited to his table. Ryu’s cursed technique is called Cursed Energy Discharge, and he is the only wizard capable of releasing the same amount of energy regardless of whether his technique is active or not. He attacks Uro and Kurourushi with Granite Blast, incapacitating Uro. Kurourushi’s body is partially destroyed, making it easy for Yuta to exorcise him with the reverse cursed energy.
Ryu, excited about his dessert, fixes his hair and welcomes Yuta to the table. He charges up his cursed energy and heads out while Yuta’s cursed technique has yet to recharge. As Yuta and Rika work together to reverse Ryu’s next move, the table is set for their final battle.

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