Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 180

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 180



jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 180


Yuta and Ryu are the last two elite players standing in Sendai Colony. Ryu has waited four hundred years to satisfy his insatiable hunger, and although Yuta doesn’t see much point in fighting, he happily agrees to indulge his opponent. Their cursed energies collide in an epic exchange that brings Ryu ever closer to the sweet dessert he’s been craving.


Yuta can only release a directed beam of cursed energy until Rika fully manifests. Even at full power, Yuta’s blasts are slightly weaker than Ryu’s. In order to win the exchange, Yuta intends to quickly build up cursed energy and shoot first before Ryu reaches maximum power.
However, Ryu’s eyes express over four hundred years of hunger and his gaze begs Yuta to use his full power. Although Yuta would never find the true meaning of the conflict, Ryu’s gaze melted his heart. Yuta agrees that one day it will go all the way and both wizards will release their cursed energy. The blasts collide in battle with a cursed energy beam, but Yuta is quickly overpowered.
Yuta and Rika are seemingly smitten, and Ryu immediately expresses how much he enjoyed the clash. The cheerful wizard is surprised when he suddenly feels his opponent’s cursed energy rising and asks for another battle with the beam. Rika fires a flash of cursed energy as Yuta rushes forward towards Ryu. Yuta jumped up at the same time as the last blast, hurling him forward at high speed. Rika is able to fire all by herself, but Ryu blocks the beam with his bare hand, claiming that he can do what Yuta can. He targets Yuta, expecting to finish it off with his next attack, believing that his opponent cannot heal quickly due to the cursed energy he expended to expand the domain.
However, unbeknownst to Ryu, Yuta’s cursed technique had already replenished. He uses Takako Ura’s ability to warp space and redirects Ryu’s Granite Blast into the air. Shocked, Ryu realizes that Yuta can copy cursed techniques and tries to guess what condition he must meet in order to do so. He remembers Rika eating Uro’s arm and the figures they must have been when he fulfilled the condition. Yuta cashes in and lands a direct hit on Ryu’s chest with Urova’s Thin Ice Breaker move. Rika follows up with a downward strike that is so powerful that Ryu’s head is bleeding profusely.
Five minutes had passed since Yuta had put on the ring and the connection between him and Rika had ended. Ryu takes advantage by hitting Riku with her full power, an attack that was too much for her to handle even with her full manifestation. Rika reaches her limit and disappears from the battle, but Yuta continues to fight on his own. Ryu is excited that there is more to their battle even as they face off at full strength. He happily declares that this latest exchange is the dessert he’s been craving.
Yuta surprises Ryu by grabbing him with both hands and pushing their weight down so hard that it crushes the ground beneath their feet. After effectively immobilizing them both, Yuta declares the fight over, confusing Ryu. As Ryu looks down at the cracked ground, his Granite Blast from earlier rains down on him, hitting the unsuspecting wizard.
Knocked to the ground and defeated, Ryu quickly realizes that he was just hit by his own beam. Yuta redirected it back down with Ura’s technique at the same time Rika hit Ryu. Despite his defeat, Ryu is pleased with the high-level battle he took part in and thanks Yuto when he finally has a full stomach.

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