Watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 17

Watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 17




Kasumi Miwa discovers that rank does not reflect a wizard’s power when it comes to Maki Zenin. Momo and Nobara clash over their ideals as witches, and the fierce sibling rivalry finally comes to an end.


Kasumi recalls Mai asking about her sister Maki when they were training for the Goodwill Event. Mai claimed that she was weak and a 4th class witch forever, so Kasumi was relieved. However, in the present, Kasumi is locked in a fight with Maki. She is incredibly strong and easily overpowers her opponent, eventually kicking Kasumi down into the stream. When Maki approaches, Kasumi, forced to counterattack, prepares her simple domain. However, Maki reads his sword technique and breaks his own spear in half. He throws away half of the uncursed tool and kunai as a distraction, forcing Kasumi to move from the spot and disabling the domain.
After getting close, Kasumi disarms Miwa and takes her sword. Looking at one of her crows, Mei Mei mentions that Maki should be promoted immediately. Satoru agrees, but points out that the Zenin family is complicated. He also questions why the footage surrounding Yuji’s fight was shaky. Mei Mei claims that animals are fickle and she didn’t follow Yuji. Satoru asks who Mei Mei is rooting for and she replies that she’s just on the money side. Despite Kyoto’s plans, Satoru believes that Yuji cannot be dealt with so easily anymore.
Meanwhile, Nobara is unable to catch Momo as she rides through the air on a broomstick. She is hit by Momo’s energy-infused cursed wind and then is hit in the face by the levitating broom itself. Back in the air, Momo explains that witches have it much harder, witches like Mai. He is under pressure from the Zenin family, but Nobaru doesn’t seem to care. Nobara continues shooting nails and Momo dodges and sends the wind back in return. However, the wind is not strong enough to lift Nobara after she trained with Panda. In addition, Momo is too worried about the possibility of Toge showing up at any moment.
Momo goes on to explain the duress Mai has to go through as a “failure of the Zenin family” and says that she is confused because she considers the curses to be friends. Annoyed, Nobara completely rejects Momo. Misfortune doesn’t give someone the right to be cruel, being lucky doesn’t mean someone has to be nice. Maki had the same upbringing as Mai, but they are far from the same. Nobara refuses to apologize for her actions and tells Momo to think about the person they have already pledged to condemn as a curse.
Nobara begins her attack by activating the Straw Doll Technique: Hairpin, which causes any nails she misses to explode with cursed energy. Explosions and falling trees make it difficult for Momo to navigate. This will allow Nobare to jump and grab one of the bristles from Momo’s broom. She exclaims that she loves herself when she’s strong and when she’s beautiful, completely rejecting Momo’s battle of the sexes. Using the Straw Doll Technique: Resonance, Nobara dissipates Momoa’s control of her broom, causing it to crash. Nobara uses the whistling hammer to bash Momo, but she is shot in the temple by a cursed rubber projectile charged with energy, which instantly renders her unconscious.
Mai then calls Momo to inform her that Mechamaru has probably been removed. When their phone conversation ends, Maki comes to confront Mai in the trees. He tells Mai to call for backup, but she claims she wants this fight all to herself. Maki remembers Nobara and Yuji talking about her strength. She tells herself not to get distracted, but it ends up inspiring her. Annoyed by her sister’s smile, Mai starts shooting, but Maki is able to cut through the bullets and easily dodge the shots. Maki easily overpowers her at close range. Even Mai knows she was born with something she doesn’t have.
Mai recalls the Zenin household talking about the young girl’s inability to use cursed techniques. She would see curses and be afraid, but Maki was never afraid and always went straight for her future. She left the clan despite telling Mai that she wouldn’t leave her behind, only to return and become the head of the clan. Mai believes her sister is a liar and claims to hate her.
Their battle continues and Maki forces her opponent to use all six of her blows. She closes, but it’s actually a bluff by Mai, who has always hated her sister and never told her about the innate technique development. The construct creates something out of nothing using a cursed energy that requires an immense amount that has a harsh effect on Maki’s body. Her limit is one bullet per day and she almost reaches Maki. However, her speed and reflexes are too great, allowing her to catch him with her bare hands.
Mai knows that Maki was born with a celestial restriction like Mechamaru. She has little to no cursed energy, so she was born with exceptional physical prowess. However, the Zenin family never recognized this. Mai asks Maki why she left and says that they should have fallen down the hole together. Maki couldn’t live like that, so she had to leave. She apologizes, but in the past, Maki promised that she would never leave her sister. After Maki moves to another area of ​​the battlefield, Mai still thinks she’s a liar and expresses her disappointment.

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