Watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 18

Watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 18




Megumi and Noritoshi confront their similarities and differences through battle. However, the goodwill event is suddenly shaken by a sudden invasion!


Megumi stalks the temple building with arrows charged with cursed energy. He is able to dodge most of them as they hit the environment, but Noritoshi continues to fire. The two arrows end up behind Megumi, but his Unknown Abyss Toads manage to catch them with their tongues. Megumi breaks off the tip of one of the arrows and blood splatters the wall onto it. Megumi understands that Noritoshi’s technique allows the arrow’s trajectory to ignore the laws of physics.
Noritoshi tells Megumi not to insult him and asks his opponent to summon another shikigami. However, Megumi’s Divine Dog is doing something else right now. Megumi says she won’t help when Noritoshi collapses from blood loss, but the Kyoto student notes that the arrows are pre-prepared. Each of them will know the other’s technique from their association with the Big Three Wizarding Families. Megumi inherited the Zenin Family’s Ten Shadow Technique, which allows him to summon ten different shikigami using the shadows as an intermediary. Noritoshi inherited the Kamo family’s Blood Manipulation, giving him full control over his own blood.
Noritoshi uses his last arrow to break the ceiling as a distraction. In no time, he comes down the stairs and throws a right straight at Megumi. Tokyo’s first year blocks his tonfu, but the impact brings him back. He is surprised by the strength of Noritoshi, who continues his onslaught and breaks Megumi’s tonfu through the cursed energy defense. Noritoshi explains that he can manipulate all the properties of his blood to increase his physical properties, an ability Megumi compares to doping.
Meanwhile, Kasumi comically laments the loss of her sword. Without Maki around, Kasumi can’t get her sword back and feels kind of useless. Her daydreaming is suddenly interrupted by Mechamaru’s call, but Toge is on the other side, telling her to sleep. He unlocks the phone using Mechamaru’s severed arm and being guided around by Megumi’s god dog. After ordering the dog to return, Toge notices a strong presence.
In the observation room with the entire faculty, Utahime prepares to retrieve Kasumi. The headmaster of Gakuganji recalls assigning Noritoshi a cursed spirit to kill Yuji. The same curse appears in front of Toge, but she is suddenly killed and cursed by a special grade spirit, Hanami. Invading the school, Mahito and curse user Juzo announce that it’s time for their plan to get underway.
When Noritoshi was younger, he learned that he had to act as the heir of the Kamo family to protect his mother. She was a lover and he was born an illegitimate son, however Noritoshi inherited Blood Manipulation and was promoted as an heir because of it. In the present, Noritoshi engages in melee combat with Megumi until she breaks her last remaining tonfu. He mentions that shikigami users who can fight in close range are valuable. Nortioshi looks proud, but Megumi doesn’t understand because he’s acting so familiar.
Noritoshi sympathizes with Megumi as he believes they both dedicate their lives to supporting the Big Three Magical Families. He wants to kill Yuji to act as a proper heir and claims that he is the same as Megumi. However, Megumi rejects this ideal, claiming that he has renounced any connection to the Zenin family. He doesn’t care who is right or wrong, Megumi simply wants to follow her conscience to save others. If they can’t agree to that, then they can only agree to curse each other.
A toad suddenly appears behind Noritoshi, but it’s just a distraction for Megumi to buy time. He gets distracted just as Noritoshi turns to face him, giving Megumi the time she needs to summon his newest shikigami: Max Elephant! Noritoshi sees this as a big target and tries to strike first, but Max Elephant floods the corridor with a stream of water, forcing Noritoshi out. In the open, Noritoshi knows which shikigami Megumi will hook up with next. Directly on Megumi’s command, he summons Nue and it hits his opponent with water-enhanced electricity. Determined to protect his mother, Noritoshi resists the paralysis and immobilizes Nue with Crimson Binding. Refusing to lose, the two student wizards lunge at each other, but their fight is suddenly interrupted by a huge amount of branches.
As Toge flees from them, he orders Megumi and Noritoshi to run. At the same time, all talismans watching the Spirit Bash Race are burning red. The faculty realizes that the unregistered cursed energy has killed the curses, meaning something unexpected has happened. Yaga leaves to check on Master Tengen, leaving Satoru and Gakuganji in charge of student security. Mei Mei is also tasked with maintaining communication with everyone when she stays behind.
Jujutsu students flee from Hanami’s branches, but end up cornered by a strange degree. Juzo notices the commotion and uses a cursed item to summon a specialized curtain. Satoru, Gakuganji, and Utahime can’t make it because a barrier surrounds the battlefield. They prepare to break it up until Satoru realizes that this curtain is denying him access in exchange for allowing everyone else. He asks the other two to continue forward where he runs into Juzo. The curse user feels tricked, thinking that he will face Satoru Gojo. Gakuganji pulls out his guitar and orders Utahime to go ahead and save the students as the first priority.
Megumi recognizes Hanami from one of Gojo sensei’s drawings. He tries to reach Gojo sensei on the phone, but Hanami breaks his phone and engages the students in person with lightning speed. Toge uses cursed speech to stop Hanami from moving and the curse communicates with them telepathically. Hanami claims that he only wishes to protect the planet and asks the wizards to die and become sages for Earth.

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