Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 178

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Chapter 178



jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178
jujutsu kaisen Chapter 178


Yuta tried to avoid using Rika, but now he was left with no choice. Forced to match the incredible strength of Takako Ura and Ryu Ishigori, Yuta shows what he is truly in when he asks Rika to give him everything. Not only did Rika stay with Yuta even after Orimoto died, but their ability to fight together increased tremendously.


Yuta puts on the ring and Rika goes full on as a cursed ghost right next to him. Ryu and Uro are surprised and confused by this turn of events. Uro is shocked that Yuta isn’t using his full power and Ryu doesn’t understand how Yuta’s cursed energy even recharges.
Rika rips open her chest, revealing an arsenal of cursed tools stored within her body for Yuta to choose from. Rika’s curse remained with Yuta even after Rika Orimoto died as part of her will to protect him. The cursed spirit is directly connected to Yuta’s cursed technique and is able to store cursed energy and cursed tools for him. While connected to Rika through his ring, Yuta can use his cursed techniques, receive a supply of cursed energy, and fully manifest Rika to aid him in battle. It can maintain this persistent connection for up to five minutes.
Rika attaches a metal shoulder holster to Yuto to improve his striking power. Ready to engage again, Yuta begins by having Rika rush through the air to Uro, who prepares his Sky Manipulation Technique in response. However, Yuta suddenly creates the Inumaki Clan’s Snake Eyes & Fangs sign on his mouth and activates cursed speech, commanding his opponent to not move. Uro tries to cover her ears but is too late and is immediately immobilized. Unable to defend herself, Uro is overwhelmed by a barrage of attacks from both Yuta and Rika.
Yuta lunges from Riko’s arms towards Uro to continue his pressure on her until the cursed speech dies down. Ryu tries to intervene and releases a beam of cursed energy, claiming that Yuta’s approach is too soft. Rika blocks it with one hand, impressing Ryu, who believes that Rika can be even more durable than Yuta himself. Irritated by the pain, Rika angrily punches Ryu in the face, sending him flying. He tries to follow up with another punch, but Ryu quickly counters with an explosive punch of his own. Excited at the potential to satisfy his hunger, Ryu fixes his hair and claims that he still has an appetite that calls for an extra big helping.
Facing Uro one-on-one, Yuta summons a small flying shikigami using strands of his hair as a medium. Uro destroys one of them with her technique, claiming that the Fujiwara members are only standing in her way because they are afraid of her potential. She was the leader of the Sun, Moon and Stars Squad directly related to Toh of the Fujiwara clan. They were killers who lived a life of selfless devotion in the shadows and didn’t even have names. A particular wizard from the Fujiwara clan gave Takako Uro her name only to execute her as a proxy to cover up his own crimes of killing someone else in the clan.
Suddenly, Uro’s shikigami cuts her across the chest and hips. The shikigami trajectory forms a domain that Uro recognizes as Dhruva Lakdawalla’s technique. He realizes that Yuta is not a cursed speech user with the ability to summon shikigami, he is a wizard with the ability to copy other cursed techniques. Yuta knocks Uro down to where Ryu and Rika are fighting and tries to take advantage of it with a straight punch. Uro is able to parry her strike and shatter her armored shell with the icebreaker effect of her technique. Unscathed by the exchange, Yuta tells Uro that no matter what his ancestors did, living for herself will only get her this far. This only further angers Ur, who claims that saying things like “live for others” is something only accomplished people can do.
Their conversation is interrupted by a noticeable increase in Ryu’s cursed energy. Ryu thinks that his two opponents need to stop talking as words are useless at this stage of the fight. Ready to culminate in a three-way battle, all three wizards activate the domain expansion at the same time!

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